Why choose us?

Taking part of our database you can profit to visit any country where there will be registered participants with an affordable price and do all the exchanges desired.

Your obligation is just accepting the other participant at home for the same time. You can see other cultures, other countries… taking on charge just the trip costs because when you will arrive you can do all that you want and see everything that you want with the advice of the owner of the house where you will be accommodated. In case of participants of the same age, you will certainly have the same hobbies or interests and you will do together such as cycling, swimming, playing football, visit attractive places for enriching your general culture…

These EXCHANGES are designed to enrich the personality of the most youngers from 12 years old, without age limit and even for adults who have free time and curiosity to learn. And, don’t forget to have space at home to accommodate a reciprocal EXCHANGE.


Aprender un idioma en el extranjero. La manera más rápida de aprender un idioma es donde se habla
Idioma a aprender Destino (país) Destino (ciudad)